1. How long does shipping take?
Our estimate for shipping within the United States is between 5-8 days, and for worldwide shipping, it is also between 5-8 days. Please note that these estimates do not include the preparation and shipping time of the products, which takes between 2 to 4 days.

2. What should I do if my product doesn't arrive within the estimated time?
If your product has not arrived within the time limit we set, please contact our customer service. In any case, if your product is not received within the time limit, your money will be entirely refunded.

3. What should I do if my product arrives damaged?
If your product arrives damaged, please take photos and videos and send them to our customer support at contact@Nwrfoto.com. After verification and confirmation of the case, you will have two options: we will send you a new product or give you a 100% refund.

4. What should I do if my product is defective or breaks after use?
If your product does not work or is defective within 30 days after arrival, you can return it to us at your expense, and we will refund the full amount in store credit so that you can reorder a new product.

5. Can I return a product if I change my mind?
You have 30 days after receipt of your product to return it to us if you change your mind. Please note that we only accept returns for products that are unused, unwashed, and in their original packaging. To initiate the return process, please contact us at contact@Nwrfoto.com.

6. Can I exchange a product?
If you wish to exchange your product, you have 30 days after receiving it to do so. Please keep in mind that the product must be unused and in its original packaging. You will need to send it back to us at your expense. Please contact our support at contact@Nwrfoto.com to assist you with the exchange process.

7. What should I do if I receive the wrong product?
If you received the wrong product, you have 30 days to return it to us at your expense, and we will provide you with a full refund.

8. What is the shipping address for Nwrfoto?
Our warehouse address for shipping : 293 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas Nevada 89101, United States

9. What is the maximum handling time for orders?
Our maximum handling time for orders is 2-4 business days (Monday - Friday).

10. What is the estimated delivery time for standard shipping?
Our standard shipping typically takes 5 to 8 business days (Monday - Friday) for delivery. Please note that this is an estimate and may vary during peak seasons.

11. What is the cost of standard shipping?
Standard shipping is free of charge.

12. What is the order cut-off time for same-day processing?
Our order cut-off time is 5:00 PM (GMT-5) Eastern Standard Time (New York) every weekday. If the order is placed and a credit card authorization is released before 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, the order will be processed the same day. Orders placed after 6:00 PM Monday through Thursday will be processed on the following business day.

13. What should I do if my package is marked as delivered but I haven't received it?
If your tracking information states that your package was delivered and you have not received it, you must address this with your postal service. Nwrfoto does not hold any responsibility for packages that state to be delivered, and we do not issue refunds for such cases.

14. How can I contact customer support?
If you need any assistance, you can contact us at contact@Nwrfoto.com. Our customer support is available 24/7 from Monday to Sunday.